Regular Groups
Details of regular groups and meetings taking place at the Village Hall are detailed below together with relevant contact information. Events are organised independently and as such Bacton-on-Sea Village Hall have no responsibility for their operation or conduct. If you do have concerns or a complaint that cannot be resolved with the organiser please contact us.
10am - 12pm
Line Dancing
East Coast Line Dancing Club
Modern and traditional styles. Booking only. "All levels of dance experience welcomed".
Contact Jacqui on 01692 581857 or East Coast Line Dancing on Facebook
Theatre Visits Group
Coffee mornings 2nd Monday each month in Annexe.
Contact Sally Hogden on 01692 651085 or SALLYMH@BTINTERNET.CO.UK
Art Group
The group is for people who enjoy painting as a hobby.
Some help if needed. Regular art exhibitions.
Contact Linda Rogers 01692 404804 or Mary Mason 01263 720124
Parish Council Meeting
2nd Monday every other month. Annexe.
9:30am - 11:30am
Little Pirates
Parents and toddlers social club, birth to 4 years old.
Term times £1.50 per family.
9:30am - 10:20am
Fitness 4 You
9.30am Lift Lean £5
(This popular 50 minute workout improves strength and stamina, general well-being, helps prevent osteoporosis and helps shape and tone the whole body by using resistance intervals. Work at a level that is comfortable for you and enjoy great music too!)
10.30am Pilates £5
Another popular 50 minute class that focuses on core strength and stability, ultimately improving posture, mobility and flexibility.
Both classes can be booked for £8
If you would like further information or to book a place please message or call me on
1:30pm - 4:00pm
Needles, Pins & Paper
In the annexe. Patchwork, sewing, knitting, card making, in fact any craft. NOT 3rd Thursday in the month
Beginners welcome to learn a craft. Teas and cake!
Contact 01692 652991
Book Club
3rd Thursday each month in the annexe.
Come to our coffee mornings and talk about the book we have just read or the next book we want to read.
£1.50 per session.
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Craft & Create
Annexe. 3rd Thurs of month. £2 per session plus materials.
Contact Jo 07884 314543